Quincy Avenue Expansion Begins For Copperleaf

Beginning this fall, Arapahoe County will be expanding Quincy Avenue to add three more lanes on the south side of Quincy  between Copperleaf Blvd. and the western entrance to E-470. In addition, there will be a new stop light on Quincy at Copperleaf Blvd. and a new sidewalk on the south side of Quincy.

“This expansion will greatly help traffic flow and aid in pedestrian traffic in and around Copperleaf community,” says Jon Williams of Arapahoe County Public Works. Currently in the final design stage, construction is expected to begin in fall 2015 with estimated completion within three to six months (depending on weather). This project is also closely tied to the Quincy/Gun Club Road project, which is anticipated to be constructed in 2017-2018.

While Arapahoe County is the lead for this project as well, the Quincy / Gun Club Intersection Project will be jointly funded with Arapahoe County and the City of Aurora each contributing $3.9 million, with $4.9 in federal funds, for a total cost of $12.7 million. “Both of these projects are linked together and, once complete, will tie together to create better traffic flow and safety for everyone,” said Williams. Safer roads and pedestrian-friendly streets are just another reason why Copperleaf is in full bloom.